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Why it's important to alway keep moving in life

By: Mr.WillDate: 15.10.2023

Movement is what keeps us feeling alive. Through it we progress, consistently striving for bigger things. Without it, life grows meaningless and devoid of purpose.

It isn’t always about moving forward. Rather, movement in general. Sometimes that means moving forward, but other times the forcing forward isn’t the best move to make. There are times you will need to step back or pivot to get where you want to be.

Without constant motion, you’re static. You become rigid. You’re stationary while massive action is happening around you. Every day, new buildings are being built. Products are being developed. Deals are being made. The only way to get in on the action is by working towards it. So keep moving, or risk being left behind.

Challenges will keep you sharp

To stay on top of the game, you need to create friction for yourself. You can’t have everything your way. You need to make yourself think, put yourself under stress, and tax your mind and body. Without it, how will you know what you can handle? How will you know what too much is? This needs to be ingrained in everything you do.

Staying sharp is not as difficult as you may think it is. These are someway I introduce challenges into my life:

It’s not about making everything take a 10/10 in terms of difficulty. It’s about exposing yourself to situations that make you uncomfortable. What you learn from these experiences will mould you into a stronger, more resilient person. The point isn’t to overwork yourself. You’re looking for a way to become better each day, in time all those wins will amount to something great.

Comfort leads to stagnation

You need to avoid stagnation at all costs. You don’t get anything from doing nothing. How can you expect something spectacular with no effort? Everything you want in life needs to be worked for, nothing will be handed to you.

Once you get used to doing nothing you get comfortable with it. It’s easy to get nothing done because you don’t do anything to get it. But do know, doing what’s easiest today will only make tomorrow more difficult. The more you get used to inaction the harder it is to get back into the rhythm getting stuff done.

Growth comes from change

Change is the quickest way to get to where you want to be. The act of learning is simply changing the way you think about a concept. There is nothing special about the smartest people you know. They are only more willing and open to trying new things.

In order to grow you need to change. Growth is changing so many times you hold on to some of the changes for life. It’s learning from the changes you made previously that some aren’t worth continuing. Keeping what is most beneficial to you and continuing to find more ways to improve.

It’s not about keeping everything, it’s about testing things to see what works and what doesn’t. This is personal for everyone of use so find what works best for you.

So if life’s getting stale it’s because you are not moving enough. If you find yourself without purpose it’s because you have not found it yet. Move thought life with the mentally that with enough trial and error you will find yourself along the correct path. With enough iteration you will get to where you want to go.